Friday 2 May 2014

Kim Jong Bonk

It's been more than a year since I posted here, and I'm going to start up again. Really. "Last day of 1" - my last post? We recently had the last day of 2, and I am delighted to report that there will be no more 2-year-olds in this family. Not until one of the girls has their own. Let's just summarize a year's missing posts: 2 was rough. The day Annika no longer cares whether her cup, bowl, fork are blue I will buy a bottle of good champagne. Enough said. 

We sometimes call Annika "Bonk". It's originally from a joking "Ank-ster bonk-ster", followed by some bonks when she started walking. After that background, here is a tidbit from today:

Annika: "I want more pasta!"
Amps: "Mummy's turn."
Annika: "Mummy! Get. It. Now!"
Annika: "... Please?"
Amps: "Kim Jong Bonk has SPOKEN!". 
Nina: "Who's Kim Jong Bonk?"
Annika: "Me! I am!" 
Nina: "You just want to be the boss of the world."

2 has given way to 3. Happy birthday, Bonk. 

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