Friday: Nina's nursery's head called. The scooter was taken home by accident, by a boy's nanny, who didn't realise that he hadn't brought it that day. They brought it back the next morning. This was, of course, the most likely scenario, since of course the street value of a 50£ scooter is well under 50£, and all. Nina was really happy. Annika fell asleep in her pram and we walked over to get it, with Nina happily skipping and jumping the whole way. Seeing her jump along in her cute little red raincoat with hearts on it: awesome.
Later that day, Annika did a little giggle for me. Unlike Nina she loves the change table and she'll lie there cooing happily. I was smiling at her and she did an extra-big smile with a 'heh' in it that was soooo close to a giggle: awesome.
Yesterday, hmmm what did we do yesterday. I draw a blank. Today I took Annika to the street curry night at a neighbour's house, and it was great to get out, and I had a great time, and she did some beautiful smiles after insisting on basically breastfeeding the entire time. The group were impressed that she makes these adorable communication attempts, little ooh's and aah's and 'hiiiieeee's ', alternating with her incredible smiles, and all with wide, open, eyes.
But yesterday? ummmmmm... oh yeah, we went to the local playground... Nina climbed up a steep path and displayed much strength swinging on bars, and Annika had a really really good long nap. Nina's amazing on her new scooter; she can use the brake and everything. I guess we did something in the morning, maybe puzzles? How fast this time vanishes.
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