The baby finally came out, 9 very inconvenient days late. During those 9 days, we had J. visiting to help with the baby, ha ha, and especially with Nina while I went to the hospital and so on. This worked actually, since Nina got the chicken pox and was greatly entertained by J's ipad. The baby finally emerged pretty much as soon as J was on the plane, drat it. Much angsting was done about whether the baby would come soon enough, what could be done about it, much bouncing on a huge red ball was done, and many pineapples were eaten, all to no avail.
In the end, Nina stayed with a family down the street. They have twins her age (imagine. the chaos.) and three older children... maybe another toddler hardly disrupted their routine at all. Apparently Nina was very good; she saved her difficulties for us, I guess.
Anyway. Labour finally happened, and in just 3 rather intense hours we had our new baby girl. We've named her Annika. I have to write more later - she's just fallen asleep and I need a nap. But:
Annika, 2 days old. |
Awwww, she is so cute! I am so excited to meet her. Let us know when we can come or if you need anything from the states!
congratulations :)
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