Friday, 12 November 2010

solo parenting, day 6

Ok, so all's well until somebody gets an absolutely terrible cold. I felt it coming on on Monday, then taught my computer lab class on tuesday, then .. what a nightmare. The worst moment, I think, was when I wouldn't let Nina open the sticky hard-to-open door herSELF, in a moment of impatience, and told her I'd be waiting in her room with her milk and her stories if she wanted to come in. Now, in my defense, this was after a LOT of moments of patience, some of which had to do with that very same door, mixed with a LOT of sneezing on my part. She threw a massive tantrum, of course, as any tired toddler who's just been told suddenly that she can't do something HERSELF is prone to do. So, I found myself sitting in her room crying, with her standing in the kitchen crying, and I was thinking, couldn't I have had 2 more minutes of patience? 
   Wednesday was worse, cold-wise; went to a couple of meetings that I felt I really shouldn't cancel. I came home and slept, watched dvds and tried to work (unsuccessfully). We had some other screaming disaster, I don't remember its details. These come right at bedtime. Yesterday was fine. Today she did the dinner thing, where she won't eat, but she loses it when you try to do the dishes. I gave in ('cause I'm a sucker) and said she could play for a while and try again. 20 minutes before I wanted bedtime to start I convinced her to try again. And again, she didn't want to eat, and even choked on a bite and spat it back out. But she still wouldn't let me take it away; I had to calm her down off a tantrum just to brush her teeth. Then I noticed she felt warm, and her nose had gotten runnier. I am taking up compulsive hand sanitizing, but I don't think there is any chance she could catch something and not transmit it to me. Little vector. But I don't know what I'll do if I get something else.
    In other news, apparently at a somewhat chaotic moment at nursery when they were getting all the kids' coats and mitts on, Nina calmly said "We've been through this". I guess I say that, as in, "come on Nina, we've been through this, we have to brush your teeth before bed"... But she's always just fine there, and when I pick her up, she says "I had a great day!" and she gives me a huge big hug and a smile.
    6 days down, 7 to go.

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