Sunday, 9 May 2010

A bus a splash splash! a bus again!

I've written before about how much Nina likes mechanical things - anything she can manipulate, turn, latch, open or close, spin; things with wheels, anything with buttons. A few weeks ago she worked out how to turn on the digital camera, and somehow set it to display an inset image along with the full image, after you've taken a picture. Neither of us can get it back. Last weekend she broke the camera, prompting me to look up how much it's worth. I thought that since it's a bit old it'd be easy to get another one, but nope, it's still about 300$. We googled around, and finally the much-recommended 'bang your camera on a hard surface to un-stick the lens-extending mechanism' worked. It took me back to last summer: 
That's a baby who's really annoyed that she's not allowed to play with the camera. Oh, and there's an Irish castle in the background.

Another favourite thing is water: bathing, splashing, and especially swimming. The other day we rode a BUS ('a BUS! a wheel! around and round! Mummy! Look! There's a BUS! Nina ride a bus! Nina bus! People up and down ...') past a FOUNTAIN, otherwise known as a "plash splash!". Later we went to play with the fountain, which was extremely exciting, what with all that water splashing around everywhere.  Where's this going, you wonder?

 Well, the other day Nina woke up from her nap and was very very cranky, so cranky that she was on my lap and I was trying to distract her from the seemingly urgent need to shriek in my ear. So I opened up the laptop and asked her if she'd like to see a bus.  'Eeeeeeeyyeaaaahh!' She said. So google was helpful enough to provide a large number of quality bus images. And then I found this wonder of toddler entertainment:

I'm always impressed that there are people out there, uploading these things, seemingly just for me, as if they knew that one day there would be a woman somewhere with a toddler who would just LOVE this... how did they know?


Jess said...

OK that's hilarious. So hilarious that I had to go show it to David and make him laugh.
It's totally toddler porn for kids who like buses and fountains.

Also D pointed out that I'm happily reading a baby blog (after my rants about parents who incessantly talk/blog/twitter about their kids) and I responded that you are doing a baby blog right. You write about interesting things with a sense of humour (like language and brain development) that non-parents like me find really interesting too.

Of course it does help that you're my close friend and that I spent time with Nina and now can feel a connection to her... but still. I think you're one of the few parents doing a baby blog right! Keep posting :)

Unknown said...

youtube rocks. has nina seen the okgo rube goldberg machine video? kaia was addicted to it for many weeks!

kaia's also fascinated by buses/trains/planes.... me taking her on the metro is a huge treat for her...