We did see Saturn! And while it wasn't as detailed as the picture I posted, it was amazing. The rings were so bright and so clear, and we saw Titan, too - one of Saturn's moons. Nina was so excited. It was crowded there, and we had to wait, but we got to see Mars just before they turned the telescopes on to Saturn. Everyone there was very nice to us, and they were charmed to see such an enthusiastic 5-year-old.
On Sunday we went to Brighton, had lunch, got a car club car, and drove along the coast. I quite like the car club (city car club), but it turns out that of the approximately 60 million UK residents, a surprisingly high portion of them were in Brighton traffic on Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 5pm. And Brighton has an infuriating one-way system, which together with road closures mean that it was very hard to leave the centre, and then it took us 30 minutes to drive the last km to return the damn thing. And of course you can only extend your booking if no one else has booked, no matter how much fun you are having at the beach. This all causes much stress. Ironic that to avoid being stuck in traffic, central London is actually a very good place to live. Anyway, we had a great time, much fun was had at the beach, and there was only one vomiting incident in the car (Annika, who said so early enough that Amps caught it in the beach bucket).

It was 22 degrees and the ocean was what I would call foot-achingly cold: when you stand in it, your foot starts to ache. Nina was not deterred by this in the least.